57 Cranberry Lane: Names and Letters

We've been patiently waiting, trying to figure out our fairy's name, and now we finally know! Her name is Magnolia, but she said that we can call her Maggie for short. Maggie's received a few notes and gifts from children in our neighborhood since she moved in last month. Some of the notes even include fun requests like: "fairies can you put a spell on Charlotte so she has green hair."

The best part of the week was watching the kids' excitement when they found and read their letters.


Charlotte, who is almost 9, pulled me aside after she read her note to let me know that she's positive that fairies are real. The awe and excitement in her voice completely made my week, and I silently begged her to stay this age forever. We can't wait to see what Maggie has in store for us this week!

921 Cranberry Lane: The Pinwheel Project

When you are coming down the street and see our fairy house you'll immediately notice a beautiful front door.  Our visitors will bend down, open the door and find two tiny chairs and table set for tea.  As if that wasn't cool enough in and of itself, there is a window around the right side of the house with another room!  I always make sure to point that out when people stop by.  This view right here has been my favorite lately, especially with the whimsical allium growing.  


But, the spring flowers are fading and we have been thinking about what to put in their place (and involve our friends in the neighborhood as well!).  So we are excited to announce The Pinwheel Project!  The Pinwheel Project is simple.  

1.  Perform an act of service.

2. Write a note to our fairy Snowflake telling her all about what you did for someone else.

3.  Leave your note in Snowflake's mailbox and Snowflake will leave a treat for you.

4.  Let us know that you have left the note and we will give you a pinwheel to stick in the ground around Snowflake's home.  Let's fill up this fairy garden bed with colorful pinwheels!   

Our first note drop-off day will be Thursday June 1st.  So start doing good deeds and we will see you then!   

Hop City- Creating a Space

When you want to attract a fairy, you first need to create a space.  It takes more than just a pile of dirt and a wish  (although both those things are helpful).   Hop City, the perfect place for a new fairy to call home, was built thoughtfully by a creative six year old.  

It comes complete with a welcoming committee...

the "Pronouncer"- A place for fairy's to come for announcements and important fairy bulletins...

an outdoor eating area, near a pool with blue sand beaches


and last, but definitely not least, a fairy home.  Crafted with all the love, colors and sparkle a little girl could pour into it.

As I watched my daughter create a space for the fairy, she chattered happily about what kind of fairy would come and what she hoped would happen, I was struck by her faith.  She KNEW that if she created this space a fairy would move in, there was no doubt.  I on the other hand was entertaining all the negative things that could happen if a fairy didn't arrive on time, or it wasn't the one she hoped for; all the what if's that could pop up and ruin the magic.  

The more I've thought about it the more I have learned from her simple faith.  Maybe life isn't as complicated as I always try to make it.   Maybe just creating a space with the belief that it will be filled is enough to bring the magic that fills it.  Peter Pan may have had it right after all...  "All you need is faith and trust, and just a little pixie dust."

Building Bridges & Fairy Furniture

Fairy furniture may seem like a small detail but it's the details that really make the experience magical. The great thing is that there are no limits and you can create something amazing no matter what your skill level. Watch the video to see how I create these super cute, super simple tables.

921 Cranberry Court: Come One, Come All!


The arrival of our fairy house has enticed quite a few visitors over the past week!  Girls and boys, young and old.  It makes us happy to see other people peeking through the door and window, enjoying it as much as we do.  The night after the house arrived my daughters wrote letters and left them in the little mailbox.  They found a paper snowflake in the mailbox the next morning!  Our suspicions have been confirmed that Snowflake the fairy is taking up residence here.  At least, we believe she sleeps here.  We haven't actually laid eyes on her so we are pretty sure she is busy during the day.  Other families have come to leave notes for Snowflake as well.  Assuming (because of her name) that Snowflake is a winter fairy, we think this has become her summer cottage.  Unfortunately she will have had quite a shock as we seem to have gone from the sunny, warm weather of last week to this:

Luckily we were able to get out and do a bit of fairy landscaping with some shells we had on hand before the weather took a turn!  And we are crossing our fingers the cold and downright crazy weather hasn't scared Snowflake away!  

How to Grow a Fairy

Last year I delivered a fairy house to a local family with two adorable little ladies, one of which happens to be a fairy fanatic. The house was unfinished and came with a kit including  instructions for completion (see photo's and instructions below). My hope was to create an opportunity for this little family to create their own magical  and connective experience fueled by the process of hope, imagination, and creation. After a lot of work, the fairy house has been completed. Watch the video to see how their story is unfolding.

Before you place this home outside:

Step 1: Fairy dust are for your wishes. Sprinkle fairy dust in your hand. Close into a tight fist and make your very biggest wish. Blow the dust onto the ground where your fairy house will be placed.


Step 2: Wishing stars are for the wishes other people make. Sprinkle wishing stars in your hand. Close your hand into a tight fist and think your very best thoughts. Blow the space onto the ground where your fairy house will be placed.


Motherhood: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

I consider my role as a mother to be the most meaningful endeavor of my life. I have never regretted the sacrifice of time or personal interest that I have made to invest in my amazing fellas. For me, that slow and steady investment has resulted in the development of secure attachments and connected relationships with my boys. 

There's no doubt that I have worked hard to teach them the things that I believe will best serve them as they develop a solid foundation and prepare for the challenges and experience of life. But I must say that my experiences as their mother have served to teach me far more than I have taught. I have become a better mother, a better woman, a better daughter, and better human because of my experiences as their mother. They continually inspire me to become my best self and I believe the world is a better place because of it. 


57 Cranberry Lane: Welcome, Fairies!

Two weeks ago we woke to an amazing surprise in our yard--some fairies decided to make our flower bed their home! There were many questions from neighbors, and we told them all we knew--we went to bed one night and woke up with a fairy house the next. We're not sure why the fairies have chosen us, but we hope that they will stay around!

Over the last two weeks, kids have been doing little things to welcome the fairies to our neighborhood. The fairies have received a few notes--including one asking if the fairies had a friend who could move into his yard. My daughter, Charlotte, painted a rock garden to help decorate their yard, and Gibson, a little boy down the street, left a snack for the fairies. He was so surprised when he came the next day to find his snack eaten.

Our family has been dealing with some stressful times over the last two weeks. A dear family member has been hospitalized in the ICU. Even though it's something so small, seeing the fairy house each day has brought smiles to our faces. A moment to forget all that is happening and remember that our world is full of beautiful, magical creations.

921 Cranberry Court: A Spring Surprise

On our way out the door for church Sunday morning we discovered quite a surprise in our front yard! A beautiful two story fairy house!  It is truly an amazing sight and has caused quite the stir in our cul-de-sac.  When you open the purple front door and peek inside you can see chairs and a table set for teatime.  Around the right side of the house there is a window you can peer into and see a fairy’s cozy little bedroom.  After my three year old son had explored both rooms of the house he wrapped his little arms around the house and exclaimed (in his three year old speech), “I jist yuv dis yiddow house!”  The kids are all very curious as to how this little home came to be in our yard and whose home it might be.  My five year old daughter has concluded that this fairy house belongs to her invisible fairy, Snowflake, who was given to her by a friend many months ago. We are excited to leave a letter in the tiny mailbox to find out if it is indeed Snowflake! 

Fairies making things even more magical...

We woke up this morning to what was just dirt the night before to vibrant green moss and and tiny flowers planted all around the fairies house! All there tiny tools still left out.. To celebrate all there hard work they decided to roast marshmallows around a cozy fire pit! My daughter and I day dreamed a little on how fun it would be to be apart of all that! Our 4yr old neighbor boy came over to view the scene and said "they really are here!!". Each day that passes I believe a little more that fairies are real and that there purpose is to make us smile.

The Cranberry Fairies Are Here!

South of the mountain where strange winds blow and west of the cluster of glass buildings that glow. There's a quiet street near Gratitudes Tip where cranberries are grown but cannot be sipped. 

The first of the fairies arrived late last night. Bringing light, love, and magic to neighbors delight. Remember that fairies can be timid and shy. So be kind when you visit, keep a watchful eye. This tiny home is filled with magical things and maybe, just maybe you'll catch a glimpse of her sparkling wings. 

Angel's Cottage: Painting & Glazing

The Angel's Cottage is one step closer to being complete!

If you’ve never used mistinted paint, give it a try. Mistints can be found at most home improvement stores. Prices vary, but generally mistinted paints are marked down by more than 50% and let's face it, every penny counts.

There is, however, one caveat. When layering paint, you really need to use the same brand of paint for the entire project. So keep this in mind if you decide to use mistinted paint.

Glaze is the final step and, in my opinion, the secret to making each project magical. Dries slower than regular paint so you have more time to work with it. You can buy glaze premixed but it tends to be pricey.

I mix my own using an un-tinted can of DEEP BASE and whatever color you want the glaze to be (darker colors work best for me). Mix together in a 4:1 ratio. I use general purpose brushes that I buy at Walmart (5 for $8) to brush on the glaze. 


Bringing Your Imagination to Life with Clay

I discovered clay when my boys were toddlers. Of course it started with Playdough but quickly progressed to Sculpey. Together, we've created all manner of dinosaurs, superhero's, and animals.

Clay is an amazing toy/tool/medium! It's generally inexpensive, easy to find, and a fantastic way to make a little magic. 

Another added benefit is that it provides an amazing opportunity to spend quality time, facilitate conversation, and strengthen relationships with kiddos. 

A few of my favorites: Polyform clays & Magic Sculpt

Model Air and Sculpey are both polyform clays. The difference is that Model Air doesn't require baking. It dries in about 24 hours and doesn't require baking. Whereas Sculpey will not harden until it is baked. Both are non-toxic, can be painted with latex paint, and are easy to find. The only downside is durability. 

Magic Sculpt is a two-part epoxy clay. The only downside to this particular clay is that it is expensive. That being said, Magic Sculpt is my favorite clay to work with. I use it for all sorts of things (presentation models, accessories, construction repairs, architectural elements, swords, replicating lost board game pieces...I could go on). Seriously, the potential uses for this clay are absolutely endless and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. 

There are plenty of options when it comes to clay tools. A few of my favorite tools: A pastry cutter, a thin sharp blade (box cutter, exacto, even a butter knife works great), and a pencil. Not impressed by the pencil? You should be. I consider a sharpened pencil to be one of my most valued tools when working with clay.


The strawberries are made of epoxy clay (Magic Sculpt). As I said, I absolutely ADORE this clay. It dries hard as a rock (and I do mean hard as a rock). This is not an option for little kiddos simply because it's epoxy, it's expensive, and once it hardens, it hardens and sticks for life. This includes furniture, floors, countertops, pet fur, you get the point. BUT...for me, this is often the best option.

Be sure to check out my video with the young and talented Super Sculptress Susie Clark.