GoFundMe for Firefly Forest

Firefly Forest was brought to life by the power of kindness. Like a magical seed, a tiny red door fixed in the hollow of oak tree brought the forest to life. Visitors were drawn into the forest hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creatures. It became a place of connection, a place of belonging, a place to dream, a place to find relief, and a place to find hope. 

I believe that as we share the very best of ourselves with others, we can make the world a better place. By using our individual talents and abilities, each one of us has the power to lift another and make a difference. 

Please check out my GoFundMe Campaign. Be sure to share it on social media to help me get the word out.






Reeling from the overwhelming changes and uncertainty that consumed me after my divorce, I reluctantly made the decision to relocate my little family to Utah. Our last two days in Kansas felt like a blurred frenzy of packing and impossible decisions. While I was indeed grateful for the help of friends and family, as the boys and I drove away, I felt stripped and exposed. To make matters worse was the realization that the whole thing had been caught on film (nothing is better than knowing that such a difficult and personal experience had been documented for all the world to see . . . just sayin).

It was late when we finally arrived at our new address. We stumbled to bed exhausted and slept hard. The next day I woke up to find that the reality of my life was still there. Towers of boxes waiting to be unpacked, the inevitable and torturous trips to Wal-Mart to stock the empty refrigerator, hours of phone calls to set-up utilities and services.

None of this should have felt so overwhelming (at that point I was literally an expert at moving), but this time was different. To me, coming back to Utah represented my failures. I felt broken and ashamed. There were so many important decisions that needed to be made and I knew that those decisions would affect my children. I felt frozen. Tears streamed down my face as I stared out the window into the blinding desert sunlight and whispered:

“What have I done?”

Nearly 3 years later, I stare out that same window and proclaim:

“Look at what I’ve done!”

For me and my boys, the last three years have been filled with hard work, sacrifice, success, and failure. Has it been difficult? You betcha. Have I made mistakes? Too many to count.

The towels aren’t perfectly stacked but our laundry is clean (most of the time). The lawn isn’t always green, but it gets mowed (eventually). We may have stumbled along (when I say “we”, I mean mostly “me”), but we stumbled together (here “we” means “we”) and I can say that these experiences have been valuable, for us individually and as a family. And while it is true, that divorce can leave deep, deep scars. . . together we can proclaim “Look at what we’ve done!”

When I’m feeling a bit testy, I remind myself of this experience because it has become such a lovely reminder to be kinder to myself. Has life gone according to my original master plan? Not hardly. Plans B-W didn’t turn the way I had hoped either, but each experience is not without purpose. So I will keep moving forward and be grateful for the gentle voice that reminds me to look at what I’ve done.

Creative Expression: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means

What is “creative expression”? When I was a kid, I believed that only real artists had the ability to creatively express anything. Furthermore, if you couldn’t draw, paint, or sing, you had no business trying to be creative in any way.

But the truth is that creative expression is not limited to any one person’s definition or artistic skill set. And therein lies the real beauty and the magic of creativity. It only needs permission by its creator. Brought to life and unleashed, to tickle and delight, to excite and ignite.

Sometimes it ain’t easy and certainly it takes courage, but I believe that there is freedom in creative expression that provides a direct path to a better understanding and acceptance of one’s self. 

Do You See What I See?

One of the things that I love about human beings is that we possess personal perspective, a trait that is truly unique. Our individual perspective shapes how we see the world, how we interpret our experiences, and to a large degree, what we believe about our individual self. Although perspective can be shaped and influenced by others, human beings possess the unique ability to craft a perspective that truly reflects the individual. Consequently, every person has unlimited potential to become something greater than what may seem. Who we are today does not dictate who we can become.


With a little imagination, an ordinary lump of clay and a few pieces of wire come to life bringing… oh so many… possibilities!

Oh, Oh, Ohhhhh, it's MAGIC!

"Giddy" doesn't begin to describe the vibe in my garage. Who would have thought that a little welding, a little steel, and a few tricks of the trade (thanks to Dan Sawatzky at Imagination Corporation) would open a door to a whole new world of magical possibilities?




Congratulations to Angie Juda! She will be receiving this charming Firefly Forest original. 

Didn't win? Don't be discouraged. Watch for more chances to win coming soon!

A Tiny Wedding with a BIG Effect

Last summer I was working in my garage when two minivans pulled into my driveway. The sliding doors had barely cracked, giving way to a wave of excited children who spilled with delicious chaos from the vehicles and into my garage. They had come to see the massive tree that I was preparing for Primary Children's Hospital. And although I'm always glad to have kiddo's in my space, the truth is that everything after that first wave is a bit a blur. Everything, that is, except for Susie.

Unlike the other children, Susie listened intently as I answered questions about how I build and why I believe it's important to create magic. It was clear to me that she had a deeper interest and I could see the little wheels turning in her brain. Since then, Susie has been building and creating like there's no tomorrow. So it made perfect sense to make her the caretaker of a few homes that we placed in her community

I provided the homes and Susie brought them to life. She has invested a great deal of time, creativity, and love into keeping the homes maintained for others to enjoy. 

Recently, Susie decided that she would like to put on a fairy wedding. She organized the entire event, attended to every detail, and recruited a team of friends to help her bring her dream to life. I love that they enlisted the help of moms who were willing to help with the heavy lifting and escort them as they set the scene in the middle of the night. 

I'm sure that there are those who would insist that this is just a group of little girls having a slumber party, but I wholeheartedly contend that this tiny wedding will have a big effect. Susie is discovering firsthand how creative expression can facilitate connection, contribute to personal development, and strengthen communities (all of which are essential to the overall well-being of individuals and communities). And while this kind of experience may not lead to changes that solve the world's most pressing problems, it can affect the development of a healthy self-esteem and shape how Susie chooses to interact with the world. After all, how do you change the world? One heart at a time. 




Making Magic with Imagination Corporation

Chilliwack, British Columbia. Never heard of it? Neither had I until I had an unexpected opportunity to visit. 

On the map, it seems unremarkable, isolated, and difficult to reach. What I discovered was a picturesque town nestled in a valley surrounded by breathtaking mountains that were almost impossible for me to resist. While it was indeed stunning, the mountains would have to wait. I wasn't there to sightsee or explore, I had come seeking knowledge. 

I was there to work with Dan Sawatzky: Magic Maker and Patriarch of Imagination Corporation (it's literally a family affair). 

Situated just off of the main road through town sits an unusual home that looks as though a child's storybook has come to life (Click here to see photo's of the Sawatzky Family's enchanted home). As I pulled onto the property it was clear that I was about to experience something extraordinary.

Situated just off of the main road through town sits an unusual home that looks as though a child's storybook has come to life. As I pulled onto the property it was clear that I was about to experience something extraordinary. To get to the shop, I tiptoed passed a giant T-Rex that stands guard at the gate toward a delightful dragon that most certainly was enticing me further in. 

As I stepped into a workshop that would make Santa and Walt Disney proud, I could barely contain my excitement. Every square foot was buzzing with activity as Dan's talented team worked to bring his latest vision to life. 

During my visit, Dan and his crew welcomed me into their magical world. They patiently taught me the skills that I had come to learn. For me, the most valuable part of the experience was Dan himself. He shared his gifts, talents, expertise, and was willing to invest in both my professional and personal development. He even taught me how to weld (that's right everyone . . . I'm finally weldin' stuff)! 

Visiting Steelgrass Chocolate Farm in Kauai

What do exotic fruits, award-winning honey, and organic cacao have in common? They're all magically delicious! 

If you're ever in Kauai, be sure to take the Chocolate Tour at Steelgrass Chocolate Farm. Our tour guide, surfing extraordinaire, real estate agent, and jumper off of high things Andi Kiser made the experience truly extraordinary!

The chocolate tasting was delightful, but my personal favorite was the fruit tasting (particularly the sugar cane rubbed with fresh lime wedges). 

We walked away with bags full of organic passionfruit, starfruit, cacao nibs, lemons, honey, a fresh cut coconut, and memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Every Moment Counts

Last Christmas was one of the best and worst of my life. I had just completed the most brutal semester of my college career. I was physically exhausted, emotionally spent, and devastated financially. 

To make matters worse, I didn't have much to offer my boys that Christmas morning and I was overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and failure. Don't get me wrong, thanks to the love and support of fantastic family and friends my boys were not forgotten, and I'm keenly aware and incredibly grateful for the countless blessings in our lives. But this was a time of unknown transition, and the ugly truth was that I felt like I was failing my boys. 

As we sat around the tree that Christmas morning, I felt the anxiety lift for a moment as peace and gratitude settled into my heart. 

And then Parker said it . . . a single sentence that changed everything. "I just realized that next Christmas will be my last Christmas at home". And just like that, the anxiety returned as moments from Parker's life flashed through my mind. 

When my boys were little, I remember wanting to speed time up. I couldn't wait until they were out of diapers, over Barney, or sleeping through the night. Nothing drastic, just the lofty dreams of a young mother. And then, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, my babies turned into teenagers and I felt our current circumstances were robbing us of the little time we had left together.

Parker's "casual" statement last Christmas morning became a stark reminder that our time was limited. Since then, I have determined that I will make every moment count. I will let go of my fears, savor our time, and act rather than be acted upon.

At last, Parker, Tyler, and I are enjoying a long overdue vacation in Kauai. We're having amazing experiences that I never dreamed of having. And the best part is . . . we're having them together!

The Perfect Pairing

Perfect pairings are obviously subjective. Generally, they refer to culinary topics and are described as two flavors that, when combined, create a totally different and extraordinary sensory experience. 

For some, it's peanut butter & jelly or cookies & milk. I'm partial to rosemary & lemon or salt & caramel. At our house, perfect pairings venture beyond the palate.

For us, Halloween & weapons are considered to be a universal and perfect pairing. 

Full disclosure: As a young mother, I was certain that I wouldn't be "that kind of mom". You know the one. The mom whose heathenesque male offspring roam the neighborhood attacking small animals, terrorizing children, and end up in jail . . . or the armed forces. 

Nope. I was going to teach my boys a kinder, more gentle way of living. Together we would create a world that was devoid of "alpha's", blunt instruments, and thoughtless expression. Yes, in my world, conflict would be resolved through balanced conversation and mutual respect.  

Two boys and nearly 18 years later reveal a slightly adjusted viewpoint: a virtual arsenal of toy weapons amassed, collected, and hoarded over the years (don't judge me).  

And while I'm no "gun nut" or "weapons enthusiast", I must confess that I have come to look forward to Halloween because I know that I will receive at least one request to build or create a weapon as part of their latest costume. For me and my boys, this has been a consistent way to connect and create unique memories that have strengthened our relationships long term. 


How to Change the World

Have you ever wanted to make a difference?  Spend 10 minutes watching the news and it's likely that you'll be left feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and  wondering if it's even possible for one person to change the world.

The good news is that it is absolutely possible to change the world. Watch the video to find out how.