
57 Cranberry Lane: Welcome, Fairies!

Two weeks ago we woke to an amazing surprise in our yard--some fairies decided to make our flower bed their home! There were many questions from neighbors, and we told them all we knew--we went to bed one night and woke up with a fairy house the next. We're not sure why the fairies have chosen us, but we hope that they will stay around!

Over the last two weeks, kids have been doing little things to welcome the fairies to our neighborhood. The fairies have received a few notes--including one asking if the fairies had a friend who could move into his yard. My daughter, Charlotte, painted a rock garden to help decorate their yard, and Gibson, a little boy down the street, left a snack for the fairies. He was so surprised when he came the next day to find his snack eaten.

Our family has been dealing with some stressful times over the last two weeks. A dear family member has been hospitalized in the ICU. Even though it's something so small, seeing the fairy house each day has brought smiles to our faces. A moment to forget all that is happening and remember that our world is full of beautiful, magical creations.